Design & Fabricate Fuel Conveying System, Project : Sahabat Power Plant
fabricate and Install raw EFB Storage system, three units of 5m x 11m x 3.5m. Project Jenka Power Plant
Design Fabricate and install fuel Conveying system. Project: Jengka Power Plant
Fabricate and install 2 units of steam boiler and 4 units of thermal oil boiler at Ramatex
Design and Fabricate one unit of reciprocating firing grate for 8 mil Kcal/hr Thermal oil boiler
Design, supply and install one unit of 6 million kcal/hr thermal oil Boiler
Design Fabricate and install fuel Conveying system. Project: Jengka Power Plant
Design. Fabricate and install one unit of biomass fuel storage and conveying system. Size: 4 x 3 x 11m , including fuel dosing conveyor Project : Merotai Palm Oil Mill
Design , supply snd install one unit of 6 million kcal/hr Thermal oil Boiler c/w thermal oil piping to three units of EFB rotary dryer install and commission one unit of biogas burner
Design fabricate and install two units of biomass fuel storage and conveying system.Size : 4 x 2.3 x 12mm, Including fule dosing conveyor Project : Kempas Plam Oil Mill
Design fabricate and install two units of biomass fuel storage and conveying system. Size 5x 4x 11m, including fuel dosing conveyor Project : Sua Betung Palm Oil Mill